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Trust No One? How Far Forrester's "Zero Trust" Model Should Go

Trust no one, not even your end users: That's the underlying theme of a new security model proposed by Forrester Research called "Zero Trust," which calls for enterprises to inspect all network traffic, from the outside and on the inside. It means inspecting all traffic in real time. The relevant network architecture would deploy what Forrester calls a network segmentation gateway. It's like a UTM [unified threat management] tool or firewall on steroids. It's a new security paradigm, Forrester claims.

The A to Z of Cyber Attacks

A cyber attack adversely affects (1) information systems & their data, (2) critical infrastructure (e.g. power grid, nuclear plant, etc.), and (3) internet of things. Cybersecurity involves protecting confidentiality, availability, integrity and cyber safety of systems, data and people.

The Changing Faces of Malware

What Is Malware Anyway?

Malicious software (malware) is a name given to a variety of software designed to interfere with the normal functioning of a single computer, server or a computer network.

Changes in Quantity

We can witness a rapid growth of malware in the last decade.

total malware chart

Cybersecurity: Are We Doomed In This Game?

Cybersecurity can be regarded by the subject scholars and practitioners alike as a more or less fixed body of knowledge, once mastered they think they are the respectful professors and experts in the field. This assumption can safely be applied in other fields like accounting and law. Yet this can lead to very serious consequences of self-complacency. In cybersecurity we always lament that the bad guys always win over the good guys. But is this the end game or is there a turn-around?

Cybersecurity Incident as Black Swan or Corporate Negligence

The "black swan theory" refers to a big event that comes as a surprise, that has a major effect. Black swan events were introduced by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his 2001 book Fooled By Randomness, which concerned financial events. His 2007 book The Black Swan extended the metaphor to events outside of financial markets. Taleb regards almost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as "black swans" — undirected and unpredicted. He gives the rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the September 2001 attacks as examples of black swan events.

On Evidence

The murder of Garrett MacNamara – who is responsible?

In her book “Chain of Evidence” Cora Harrison described that a dead body of Garrett MacNamara, a local leader, was found on the road after a herd of cows has escaped, what was initially assumed to be a tragic case of Garrett being squashed to a pulp by livestock became more sinister when some local people claimed they saw a chain attached to the mutilated body – which has now disappeared. Who was the murderer?

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